Stes de Necker
Iran’s staggering execution toll paints a sinister
picture of the machinery of the state carrying out premeditated,
judicially-sanctioned killings on a mass scale.
punishment in Iran is legal. Crimes punishable
by death include murder, rape, child molestation, sodomy, drug trafficking,
armed robbery, kidnapping, terrorism and treason.
Each year Amnesty International reports both the number
of officially acknowledged executions in Iran and the number of executions the
organization has been able to confirm took place, but which were not officially
acknowledged. When calculating the annual global total number of executions
Amnesty International has, to date, only counted executions officially
acknowledged by the Iranian authorities.

PERIOD 2005 TO 2014
According to Amnesty International,
there were 676 executions in Iran in 2011, 753 (of which 14 women and 13
juveniles) in 2014 and 694 in the first half of 2015.
According to Iranian public sources however, 252
executions (of which 5 women and 1 juvenile) were carried out in 2011, 289
in 2014 and 246 in the first half of 2015. Up to 74% were drug related,
and almost all executions were carried out for murder, aggravated rape, deadly
robbery/kidnapping, or large scale drug trafficking. (In 2014, the Iranian
authorities reported that 289 people were executed according to official
sources, but credible reports suggested that the real figure was at least 743.)
In March 2016, the UN special rapporteur for human rights
in Iran said in a report to the organization's Human Rights Council that at
least 966 people were put to death in the country in 2015, roughly double the
number executed in 2010 and 10 times as many as were executed in 2005. The
report noted that executions in Iran were at the highest level since 1989.
Among those executed in Iran are also members of ethnic
and religious minorities convicted of “enmity against God” and “corruption on
earth” including Kurdish political prisoners and Sunni Muslims.
Currently, based on monitoring work done by Amnesty
International and other human rights organizations, several thousand people are
believed to be on death row in Iran. The Iranian authorities have said that 80%
of those awaiting execution are convicted of drug-related offences. They have
not, however, provided an exact number.
It is especially harrowing that there is no end in sight
for this theatre of cruelty with Iran’s gallows awaiting thousands more death
row prisoners.
The surge in executions reveals just how out of step Iran
is with the rest of the world when it comes to the use of the death penalty -
140 countries worldwide have now rejected its use in law or practice. Already
this year three more countries have repealed the death penalty
Executions in Iran did not even stop during the holy
month of Ramadan. In a departure from established practice, at least four
people were executed during Ramadan in 2016.
While Amnesty International opposes the use of the death
penalty unconditionally and in all cases, death sentences in Iran are
particularly disturbing because they are invariably imposed by courts that are
completely lacking in independence and impartiality. They are imposed either
for vaguely worded or overly broad offences, or acts that should not be
criminalized at all, let alone attract the death penalty. Trials in Iran are
deeply flawed, detainees are often denied access to lawyers in the
investigative stage, and there are inadequate procedures for appeal, pardon and
The Iranian authorities should be ashamed of executing
hundreds of people with complete disregard for the basic safeguards of due
The use of the death penalty is always abhorrent, but it
raises additional concerns in a country like Iran where trials are blatantly
Iranians are the victims of a state of hunger, poverty
and misery, hurled down into the hollows of perdition by force and without their
Prisoners in Iran are often left languishing on death
row, wondering each day if it will be their last. In many cases they are
notified of their execution only a few hours beforehand and in some cases,
families learn about the fate of their loved ones days, if not weeks, later.
As of 15 July 2015, the Iranian authorities had
officially acknowledged 246 executions this year but Amnesty International has
received credible reports of a further 448 executions carried out in this time
It is time the world unites to put to an end this travesty
of justice and do everything in its power to bring the perpetrators of these
crimes to justice.
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